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8 Sept 2022
Typhoon Swell

Swell Report: Typhoon Hinnamnor

The end of Typhoon season started with the first super typhoon of the year. Clean swell pulsed towards the Taiwanese east coast together with offshore winds for the first epic summer surf on the East Coast.

Secret spot on the east coast
Secret spot on the east coast

September started with a bang here in Taiwan with the first super-typhoon swell to hit the east coast of Taiwan.

Reporting from the southern tip of the country, Jialeshuei lit up on Day 1 (1st September) with a slow start in the morning followed by an afternoon of pumping surf.

The rivermouth had rolling overhead sets with a group of local chargers chasing the stoke

Overhead sets rolling in Jialeshuei

Local chargers in Jialeshuei, South Taiwan

A group of local frothers waiting on the next set

Smooth conditions in Jialeshuei

The left on the north side of the bay was smaller with a couple of cleanup sets here and there

Fog showed up in the evening bringing moody blue vibes

Sea warning called on Day 2

Day 2 brought some more swell and cleaner conditions, but one could only look as a Sea warning was called early in the morning because of the vicinity of the typhoon.

Beaches and ocean closed on day 2

Sets rolling in in Jialeshuei on day 2

The power of the ocean in full display in Jialeshuei

Secret spot on the east coast

Scenic view of the east coast

The Sea warning stood in place until Monday morning, with a decreasing swell the conditions turned fun for both the East and the South coasts.

Wanna see how the day went? Check out our first Raw Edit on YouTube

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